Teaching & Lecturing

The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

I have been a Part 3 examiner at the Bartlett for 10 years which as well meeting and engaging with the students, my role also involves providing guidance on the course structure; including curriculum and learning outcomes. I also lecture in the professional practice course, focusing on subject matter such as such as the use of the NEC form of contract and the design of major infrastructure projects.

“Harbinder is a fantastic professional examiner who goes the extra mile to help our candidates, his detailed and informed feedback over the 10 years that he’s examined with us helps us greatly with developing our course.”
Felicity Atekpe
Associate Professor, Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL


Illustration – Studio Workshop UCL, Here East

  • Date

    September 24, 2013

  • Client

    The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL


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