Governance & Leadership

Institute of Civil Engineers

I am a fellow of the Institute of Civil Engineers and chair of the Inclusive urban planning & development Network. This knowledge Network which forms part of the Institutes new Community Advisory Boards, specialises in the development of the urban environment. The findings from the advisory groups will be used to drive the production of trusted, authoritative, independent insight into the major issues facing the industry. I also engage with the graduate members of the Institute such as Presidents Future leaders where I discuss collaborative techniques for young engineers.

I have been commissioned by the ICE to develop a strategy for the implementation of the government mandated role of the ‘Design champion.’ This requires for all major projects to have an experienced designer to sit on the board to help the board and executive team to make qualitive decisions regarding the design of the project.

“Harbinder’s passion and knowledge of what constitutes good design, combined with his excellent research and story-telling combined to produce impactful insights for the ICE commissioned , Design Champion role and we were delighted to see taken forward by the UK government’s National Infrastructure Commission.”
– Mark Hansford
Director of Engineering, ICE

“Harbinder’s positive mindset and visionary thinking is inspiring to all early career professionals; he exudes creativity and energy, with a drive to produce the best outcomes for projects and the industry on a whole.”
– Lucy Davison
ICE President Future Leader


Illustration – 158TH ICE President Keith Howells’ Future Leaders

  • Date

    September 6, 2021

  • Client

    Institute of Civil Engineers


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