Governance & Leadership

Centre for the New Midlands

I am an advisor to The Centre for the New Midlands, which is an independent, not-for-profit think tank, focussed on the creation and sharing of new ideas to build a ‘better’ West Midlands. I am a member of the infrastructure Leadership group. As one of the key work-streams, the group will explore, debate and recommend policy proposals for the region’s infrastructure in its broadest sense, including transport, energy, water, digital, social infrastructure, and housing, as well as key enablers including policy, investment, planning, and skills.

“Infrastructure is such a complex system of systems that to renew, design , change, or add to our interdependent systems requires the views of many stakeholders to be taken into account. Harbinder brings a clarity of vision to the process, and helps wider teams view infrastructure through a design lens. His experience and singular approach mean that the infrastructure will deliver the social, economic, and environmental benefits as whilst responding to the diverse needs of its users.”
– Tim Fawcett
Chair, Infrastructure Advisory Group Chair – CNM
Birmingham Cities Lead, Mott Macdonald 

  • Date

    October 1, 2023

  • Client

    Centre for the New Midlands


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